Our Program
We believe that children thrive in an environment which values their own uniqueness, while providing support and opportunities to grow emotionally, socially and creatively. By building on each child’s strengths, interests and curiosities, we guide each child to explore the world around them as well as develop new abilities and form close relationships.
Children learn from actively exploring their environment, interacting with their peers, experimenting, being given time to practice new skills and by building on relationships. We encourage family participation and invite you to complete a weekend journal and follow up activities are planned for during the week.
Little Green Frogs Preschool is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework- ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’. This framework promotes the Australian Government’s vision for ‘All children to have the best start in life to create a better future for themselves and their community’.
The framework communicates five learning outcomes:
Children have a strong sense of identity
Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Children have a strong sense of well-being
Children are confident and involved learners
Children are effective communicators
Our learning environment maximises a child’s participation and provides a positive emotional environment. The children participate in child-lead learning experiences extending from their own interests which extend into projects. This play based learning encourages children to investigate, research and make new discoveries.